
Financing Conservation


Financing conservation

How conservation financing could be used to protect Canada’s ecosystems

Conservation, as a field, has been chronically underfunded and investments in conservation to date have been disproportionately funded by governments and a relatively small number of philanthropic foundations.

This is problematic when the extent of international commitments made by governments around the world, including Canada, to conserve various landscapes is taken into account. Because with these types of commitments comes an enormous requirement for capital, the burden of which should not and cannot rest solely with governments and a small number of foundation actors. Nature provides a wide array of ecological goods and services to society writ large, underscoring the benefit and the opportunity for many types of investors to participate in financing the conservation of Canada’s abundant natural capital.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada and Rally Assets believe that the time is right to develop a much wider array of innovative financial approaches to conservation in order to attract other sources of capital, much of this from the private sector. Many such approaches are being used around the world that can be applied to the Canadian context. Conservation financing in Canada is a large opportunity waiting to be seized.

We hope this report helps you to understand the Canadian conservation finance landscape in the context of global best practices, the opportunity that exists to attract the needed non-traditional sources of capital into the conservation field and the need to act quickly and decisively on that opportunity.


“An opportunity that mustn’t be missed” – November 2020


“Finding conservation answers by asking why” – January 2021

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