



The Power of Partnership

Big problems need to be tackled in big ways.

Rally’s vision is to transform the world by transforming investing. The capital needed to do so is so great, traditional structures so rooted and systems so entrenched that we cannot have the scale of impact we desire by acting alone. So at Rally we work with others through informal collaborations and collective actions and through formal partnerships to grow the impact investing sector.

Operating from a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, we believe working with aligned committed partners speeds up and scales our efforts so that we can make a difference to more people more quickly. 

When we find the right partners we are stronger together. How do we identify those right partners? Decades of learning have taught us that we need to create a strong foundation of trust that is built on shared values and principles, common objectives and complementary strengths.

Our values of honesty, generosity, empathy, curiosity, integrity and grit keep us focused on who we are trying to serve and why. We are also humble enough to recognize there are outstanding people doing outstanding work in meaningful ways that we can support.

Some of our current partners:

  • Millani, a Rally-Certified Advisory Partner
  • Good & Well. Good & Well is a boutique impact investment firm based in Toronto that partners with social purpose businesses to help drive a more conscious form of capitalism and a more purposeful, sustainable economy for all
  • Relay Ventures, an early-stage venture capital fund manager, with whom we have a joint venture Realize Capital Partners
  • Impakt, a certified B Corporation that helps corporations and civil society organizations solve social problems
  • Spire Philanthropy, a consultancy that helps charities build successful partnerships with corporations based on shared strategic beliefs

We are fortunate to have these exceptional partners who are catalysts for social change in their own right, supporting us with their insights, expertise, time, passion and relationships. We welcome opportunities to form additional partnerships that can be mutually beneficial and amplify our collective impact.